Artist Statement
Isolated from the small rural town of Middlebury as an adolescent, my playtime and leisure activities involved exploring the surrounding woods, lakes, and gravel pits. It is from these childhood experiences that many of the patterns originate which are found in the images that decorate my pottery. I use leaves, shells, and textures found in nature and sometimes found locked timelessly in many of the rocks I would collect from the gravel pits near our home. We use actual leaves and branches from the trees and other foliage near our home here in Florida as patterns, stencils, or press molds - forever locking their beauty in the clay. A fossil that takes moments to create rather than centuries.
Artist Biography
Artist, Glenn Woods, grew up in Middlebury, Indianan, a small rural town surrounded by farmland. The entire community of Middlebury as well as other small towns in northern indiana were heavily influenced by the Amish and Mennonite cultures.
In 1976, Glenn moved to Indianapolis where he attended the University of Indianapolis and in 1980 earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Art with a concentration in pottery. Since then, Glenn and partner Keith Herbrand have lived in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and now Florida.
About Keith
Keith grew up on a dairy farm just outside of Madison, Wisconsin and graduated in 1985 from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with a business degree.
Keith is the business mind in their partnership. Although he enjoys helping out in the pottery-making process as well. In fact, he works full time in the studio, handbuilding, mixing glazes, assisting in glazing, loading and unloading kilns.
Information Source: www.potteryboys.com
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