According to an interview she gave in the 1960’s, the artist became interested in painting through an acquaintanceship with a very fine artist in Toronto, Canada. She attended classes at night in a technical school, then went on to study at the Ontario College of Art. Her work as a millinery designer took her to New York City where she continued her studies at the Traphagan School of Picture Design, the Art Students’ League and other schools.
Jean McCullough moved to Alpine, California in 1935 to join her sister, Edith Cromarty, who had arrived there in 1930. Jean related that she “enjoyed painting many of Alpine’s beautiful landscapes.” She went on to say that “Art has been my vocation as well as my avocation and since coming to California, painting landscapes has been my greatest pleasure.”
Jean McCullough was a member of the San Diego Art Guild, 1940, and the Alpine Artists Clubhouse, 1949.
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